Aleksandar Borisov wearing mens tall size tee by Navas Lab Apparel

More Influencers Sharing Their Favourite Things About Being Tall Men

A couple more of our influencers share their challenges and secret advantages of being tall. In case you missed it he here is the first one.

Sterling Perkins

  • Almost all sports come much easier 
  • Never have to look up to anyone in a business meeting
  • Always have the best view of a concert/event
  • My spouse says my height makes her feel safe and secure. Plus I'm easy to find in a crowd!

Sterling Perkins wearing mens tall shirt by Navas Lab Apparel

Robert Truijen


  • I can always reach the top shelf
  • I can easily find and be found in a crowd
  • I can walk into the deep end of a swimming pool without drowning
  • When you tell people your weight they'll usually say, "Oh, it's because you're tall," instead of "Ah, you should probably eat less and hit the gym."
  Robert Truinen wearing mens tall shirt in black by Navas Lab Apparel

Aleksandar Borisov

  • Nothing is ever out of reach 
  • It's a great ice breaker 
  • Most sports lend themselves to height, which is perfect for someone who loves almost all sports like me!

Tall guy Aleksandar Borisov in mens tall tees by Navas Lab Apparel

I am the view


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